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The Spanish Tragedy


February 2023


Wharf Loft, Staunton VA

or, Heironimo is Mad Again
by Thomas Kyd
directed by Cait Redman

Genevieve K. Henderson as Pedringano/Isabella

Shawn Passero as Andrea
Fawzia M. Istrabadi as Revenge
Christopher Neisner as Heironimo
Cece Richardson as Lorenzo
Pete Sheldon as Balthazar
Mikaela Hanrahan as Bel Imperia
John Williams as Horatio
Johnny Williams III as King of Spain/Watch/Hangman
Jacob Laitinen as Duke of Castille/Serberine
Eli Cronin as Ambassador/Watch/Boy

Production Team:
Stage Manager: Paige Hilton
Dramaturg: Allison Lyne
Movement/Combat: Morgan Rose Ford, Caroline Lyons, Nicolas Holtman
Music Direction: Pete Sheldon
Costumes: Hailey Pearce
Lighting: Johnny Williams III
Props: Paige Hilton
Photos: Solas Photography

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