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The Winter's Tale


November 2018


Glicker-Milstein Theatre, NYC

by Williams Shakespeare
produced by King's Crown Shakespeare Troupe
directed by Aydan Shahd

Genevieve K. Henderson as Clown

Tom Phelan as Leontes
India Beer as Hermione
Jack Becker as Polixenes
Oona Mackinnon-Hoban as Paulina
Alexander Keefe as Camillo
Kai Morsink as Mamillius/Florizel
Grace Henning as Perdita
Sophia Seidenberg as Autolycus
Jared Rush as Antigonus
Viviana Prado-Núñez as the Shepherd
Izzy Schettino as Emilia/Servant/Dorcus
Ramsay Eyre as Cleomenes/First Lord/Mopsa
Mark Tentarelli as Dion/Gentleman
Alex Peile as Officer/Mariner
Arielle Firestone, Yaël Cohen, and Isabel Daly as Time (the Chorus)

Producer: Sila Puhl
Stage Manager: Rachel Whitley
Dramaturg: Asya Sagnak
Assistant Director and Choreographer: Erin Hilgartner
Costume Designer: Perry Levitch
Set Designer: Kristian Woerner
Sound Designer/Composer: Pearl Mutnick
Lighting Designer: Rowan Kim
Props Designer: Kay Kemp
Publicity Manager: Rose Sciortino
Puppet Master: Maggie Vlietstra
Hair and Makeup Designers: Dara Diamond and Avegail Marie
Photos: Vivian Mellon Snyder

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