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Treasure Island


July 2023


Thoreson Theatre, Lynchburg VA

adapted by Bryony Lavery based on the novel by Robert Louis Stevenson
produced by Endstation Theatre Company
directed by Stephanie Holladay Earl

Genevieve K. Henderson as Red Ruth*

Cast (in order of appearance):
Daniel Kepel as the Shanty Man
Molly Martinez-Collins as Jim
Stephanie Howieson as Grandma/Job Anderson
Patrick Earl as Billy Bones
John Williams as Squire
Thomas Bell as Black Dog
Kristina Hinako as Doctor Livesay
Noah DeCarmo as Ben Gunn
Kenn Hopkins, Jr. as Blind Pew/Captain
Will Cloud as Killigrew
Chad Marriott as Dick the Dandy
Harper Whetzel as Joan the Goat
Marcus Martinez as Basilica Hands
Chris Evans as Lucky Mickey
James Stringer, Jr. as Long John Silver
Bill Bodine as Grey
Olivia Green as Silent Sue
Ronan Melomo as Badger/US Long John Silver
Hope Maddox as the voice of Captain Flint
Liz Lass as the puppeteer of Captain Flint
Understudies: Zann Krage, Hope Dyer, Bobby Vinson, Nico Thomas, Mitchell Ngwenya

Stage Manager: Isabel Stevens
Assistant Director: Alaina Smith
Costume Designer: Hope Maddox
Scenic Designer: Amanda Nerby
Lighting Designer: Travis Smoak
Technical Director/Sound Designer: Heather R. Sinclair
Props Designer: Alaina Smith
Music: Patrick Earl, Ronan Melomo, Daniel
Photography: Jill Nance Waugh

*musician, instruments played: oboe

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